Samstag, 30. Januar 2010

Guests want to know hotels' rate rules

A Comment on the article "Guests want to know hotels' rate rules, says Cornell Study"

I think that this is totally right. Guests would like to know or at least have more details about the
rate rules of the hotels. The hotel rating strategy of the hotels is sometimes really confusing so the guests think that they are getting a rate which was made without any clear rules. The problem is that in hotels rates are varying really often and that's why guests can get really confused. It's well known that the reception often gets comlplaints of the guests who don't understand why they paid a higher rate then the other guests. I think that rate a rule indication on the reservation sheet or on the hotels' homepages could help the guest to better understand the rate strategy of the hotels.

Montag, 11. Januar 2010

Price Impact on Guest Satisfaction

A comment on the article "Price Impact on Guest Satisfaction"

I totally agree with the fact that the price influences the guest's
value perception, loyalty and expectations. It's normal that
when the guest pays a higher price it will be more difficult to
satisfy him. If he is paying a lower price the guest expects less
but can be more satisfied because he didn't expect such a good quality.
I think that today with the economic crisis people want to pay less
money but still have the same expectations so a hotel have to satisy
these two points. I don't really agree that price satisfaction has a
freater influence on loyalty than quality, because if a guest
didn't like his stay in the hotel, even if he likes the price he will
not come back for another stay.

Sonntag, 10. Januar 2010


A comment on the article "On Twitter and in the Workplace, It's Power to the Connectors"

I think that today to make a great career you need good visionary skills, leadership skills and you have to bee a team player.
Today with information that are growing very fast and also because of the economic crisis it is important to have Visionary skills.
Intuition, decisiveness and also reasoning are the three important keywords. In former times these skills were not so important because many companies didn't think about the future.
But today with the higher competition, with the technological process and the economic crisis to have these skills can be benefitial for a company. Leadership skills are very important to achieve a great success
with the help of other people. The best leaders make things happen through a powerful mind. Compared to former times the modern leader has also to understand the people he is leading. He should work with them and not be on an upper scale. To be a team player is also really essential today
because in a team you achieve a higher performance and so a higher success. It's important to interact and to have a good communication with your collegues.
I think that those skills cannot be really learned. People are natural leader or not or have visionary skills or not.
To be a teamplayer is perhaps the only one that can be strenghtened by
doing sports in a group or playing theatre for example. All the activities
where people do something in a group.
Formal assignments and connector skills belong together because today formal assignments should be given
to a person by interacting and connecting to the person.
Persons have to feel connected today, to build relationships to be successful.

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